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Garbage and Recycling

Manage your waste by knowing where it goes and when it goes.

Bulky items

Large or bulky items can be placed at the curb on your regular garbage collection date. You can check with the FRSC for restricted items and other important information.

Compost and Yard Waste

The FRSC supplies each household with a compost cart for organic materials. You can order a new compost cart or request a replacement or repairs on the FRSC website's Composting page.

Yard waste is collected with compost and is subject to FRSC guidelines.

Curbside Recycling

Recycling is collected biweekly on weeks opposite the garbage collection schedule.

While Fero is our curbside collection contractor, our recycling program is now administered by Circular Materials, a not-for-profit organization managing the Province of New Brunswick's transition to the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) program. Visit the Circular Materials website for a list of accepted materials and other information.

NOTE: Some items not listed for curbside recycling can be taken to Valley Redemption Centre.


Valley Redemption Centre is a bottle exchange facility which accepts your returnable bottles, cans and pouches in exchange for established refund rates.

It also takes glass, paint cans, electronics, white foam polystyrene and other items for recycling.

Hazardous Waste

Your household hazardous waste like paint, electronics, batteries, and gasoline can be dropped off, free of charge, at Crane Mountain Landfill.

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